Friday, 20 April 2012

Highlights of Achievements of Ministry of Women and Child Development, 2011-2012

( PIB )
The Ministry of Women and Child Development has released approximately 97% of the sanctioned grant of Rs. 16,100 crores to States/UTs and various agencies for the programmes and schemes aiming at holistic development of women and children, in 2011-2012. 

The flagship programme of ICDS has reached about 10 crore beneficiaries. These include 4.37 crore children of age 6 months-3 yrs, 3.5 crore children within 3-6 yrs, and 1.81 crore pregnant and lactating women. Total of 6900 projects out of sanctioned 7076 are operational. Furthermore, around 12.04 lakh Anganwadi Centres (AWCs)/Mini-Anganwadi Centres are operational of the sanctioned number of 13.70 lakh. Moreover, 61 projects were sanctioned and 57 projects were operationalised, and 3942 AWCs was sanctioned and 41033 AWCs were operationalised in 2011-2012. 

The Ministry has also initiated Annual Programme Implementation Plan (APIP) format in order to improve the planning and programme implementation. The draft Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) policy along with curricular framework and standards have been uploaded on the website of the Ministry for comments and views from public organizations etc. 

Under the Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS), a Centrally Sponsored Scheme introduced in 2009-2010 for the welfare and rehabilitation of children in conflict with law as well as children in need of care and protection, statutory structures have been established under the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000. The number of Child Welfare Committees (CWCs) and Juvenile Justice Boards (JJBs) has more than doubled from 240 and 211 to 548 and 561, respectively. As a result of the support provided, 26 State Child Protection Societies, 24 State Project Support Units, 20 State Adoption Resource Agency and 438 District Child protection units, have been established to work exclusively for child protection, employing approximately 4500 dedicated and trained staff. In the year 2011-2012, 8 state child protection societies, 4 state project units,112 district child protection units were established. Moreover, the provision of Emergency Outreach Services for children in distress, through a 24 hour helpline (1098), has more than doubled; from 83 in 2007-2008, it is spread to 202 locations in 2011-2012. Also, childline was extended to 94 new locations. 

Under the Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls, ‘Sabla’, launched in November 2010, around 84.4 lakh girls have been covered in the nutrition segment, while around 21.42 lakh girls have benefitted in the non-nutrition segment, in 2011-2012. Sabla is a comprehensive intervention for adolescent girls in the age-group of 11-18, with a focus on out-of-school girls, and is being implemented in 200 districts of the country on a pilot basis. 

Around 1.77 lakh pregnant and lactating (P&L) women have benefitted under the Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahayog Yojana (IGMSY), a scheme that aims at improving the health and nutrition status of P&L women. The scheme envisages providing cash directly to P&L women during pregnancy and lactation, through bank/post office accounts in response to the individual fulfilling specific conditions. It addresses short-term income support objectives with long term objective of behaviour and attitudinal change. 

Furthermore, Rashtriya Mahila Kosh (RMK) scheme of the WCD Ministry has benefitted 6,94,415 needy women at the grassroots levels. As on 31.12.2011, cumulative loan of Rs. 315.32 crores was sanctioned. Against this, Rs 259.32 crores was disbursed. The scheme, launched in 1993, aims to bring about the socio-economic upliftment of poor women. It extends micro-finance services to poor women to credit is provided through Intermediary Microfinancing Organisations (IMOs) working at the grassroots level, such as NGOs, Women Federations, Co-operatives etc. 

Also, 322 Swadhar homes are operational across the country as on 20.1.2012. Against an allocation of Rs. 30 crores in 2011-2012, a budgetary provision of Rs.100 crores has been kept in BE-2012-13. In addition, about 29650 beneficiaries have been covered under the Support to Training and Employment Programme for Women (STEP) scheme, which provides training for skill upgradation to poor and assetless women in ten traditional and two non-traditional sectors. Also, 188 projects including 96 rehabilitation homes, have been sanctioned under the Ujjawala scheme, a comprehensive scheme to combat trafficking of women and children. 

In view of increasing incidents of assault on women from North Eastern States, the Ministry has established a Working Women Hostel, at Jasola, exclusively for working women of North Eastern States in 2011-2012. 

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