Monday 23 July 2012

Mineral Production During May 2012 (Provisional)

The index of mineral production of mining and quarrying sector in May 2012 was higher by 4.3% compared to that of the preceding month. The mineral sector has shown a negative growth of 0.9% during May 2012 as compared to that of the corresponding month of previous year.

The total value of mineral production (excluding atomic & minor minerals) in the country during May 2012 was Rs.17863 crore. The contribution of petroleum (crude) was the highest at Rs. 5862 crore (33%). Next in the order of importance were: coal Rs 5159 crore, iron ore Rs.3829 crore, natural gas (utilized) Rs. 1353 crore, lignite Rs. 450 crore and limestone Rs. 334 crore. These six minerals together contributed about 95% of the total value of mineral production in May 2012. 

Production level of important minerals in May 2012 were: coal 447 lakh tonnes, lignite 40 lakh tonnes, natural gas (utilized) 3614 million cu. m., petroleum (crude) 32 lakh tonnes, bauxite 1344 thousand tonnes, chromite 387 thousand tonnes, copper conc. 9 thousand tonnes, gold 144 kg., iron ore 158 lakh tonnes, lead conc. 16 thousand tonnes, manganese ore 202 thousand tonnes, zinc conc. 109 thousand tonnes, apatite & phosphorite178 thousand tonnes, dolomite 500 thousand tonnes, limestone 238 lakh tonnes, magnesite 11 thousand tonnes and diamond 2340 carat. 

In May 2012 the output of diamond increased by 57.8%, apatite & phosphorite 30.5%, gold 20.0%, chromite 17.9%, dolomite 17.7%, manganese ore 14.7%, bauxite 14.1%, zinc conc.8.5%, coal 6.2%, lead conc. 6.0%, iron ore 5.3%, limestone 3.8%, petroleum (crude) 3.4%, lignite 2.6%, natural gas (utilized) 1.7 percent. However the production of copper conc. decreased by 5.2% and magnesite 41.8 percent.

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