Monday 13 August 2012

Proposals from Uttarakhand for Conservation of Culture

The Minister for Culture and Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation Kumari Selja has said that Ministry of Culture has taken up the following steps for conservation and development of culture in the State of Uttarakhand:

(i)     A Regional Science Centre is being set up at Dehradun by National Council of Science Museums, an autonomous body of this Ministry on 50:50 funding basis between State Government and Government of India.
(ii)    Grants have been released to two Museums in Uttarakhand under the Scheme of “Setting up, Promotion & Strengthening of Regional & Local Museums”.
(iii)  56 proposals from the State of Uttarakhand were received under Salary Grant/Production/Building Grant Schemes during the last five years.
(iv)  Under the Cultural Functions Grant Scheme (CFGS) 57 proposals were received from Uttarakhand during the last five years.
          In a written reply in the Rajya Sabha today she said, during the last five years the amount released by this Ministry and/or its attached/ subordinate/ autonomous organizations are as follows: 
Name of the Schemes under which funds released in the last 5 years
(Rs. In lakhs)

1.     Science Cities Scheme                                              150.00
2.     Regional & Local Museums Scheme                          99.20
3.     Production Grant Scheme                                          11.50
4.     Building Grants  Scheme                                                    45.90
5.     Cultural Functions Grants Scheme                            15.00
Kumari Selja said, funds/grants are released to grantee organizations/ individuals strictly as per the conditions laid down under the respective scheme. Second installments are released subject to production of documents like Utilization Certificate and expenditure details and proof of the event/ production/ construction having taken place as per the norms contained in the Scheme. 

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