The Minister informed that the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs approved continuation of MCA21 Project for its second cycle from January, 2013 to July, 2021 as a Non-Plan Scheme at a total project outlay of Rs.357.81 crore including an outlay of Rs.54.42 crore for independent project management and certification over eight and a half year period. It also includes an outlay of Rs.29.84 crore for continuous improvement and up-gradation to the electronic service delivery of Ministry of Corporate Affairs.
The project will benefit all the companies and LLPs registered in India. In addition, the project benefits citizens through its IEPF sub-portal for investor awareness and disclosures. Banks and financial institutions also benefit immensely from MCA21 as it acts as a repository of charge information on company/company’s assets. MCA21 project has also benefited various state governments through innovative use of electronic stamps (e-stamp).
He said the New Features of MCA21 in Second Cycle includes:
- Replacement of existing desktops, printers, & scanners
- Replacement of UPS with higher backup
- Replacement of end-of-life & out-of-support servers and associated infrastructure
- Upgrade Network Connectivity
- ROC & RD Offices - 2 Mbps or 4 Mbps based on users
- MCA-HQ: 8Mbps
- Support ISO 27001 Audit of Data Center (DC) and Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) – For ensuring higher Security Standards
Enhanced User Experience:
- Redesign of the portal to provide an enhanced look and feel to the end users
- Improved dashboards for front office and back office users
- Advanced search services
- Collaboration tools like Bulletin Board, Discussion Forums etc.
- SMS and mobile enabled interfaces
- Business analytics solution to support user-defined customizable reports and enhanced technical scrutiny
Additional Functionalities:
- OL E-Governance with E-auction and integrated accounting
- To Enable Value Added Service (VAS) Providers
- Additional Offices like ROC Sikkim
- Establishment Functions of CLB and SFIO
- Business Process Re-engineering to simplify the forms and processes – continuous process
- Flexible and configurable application to handle the changes to rules, processes with a quick turnaround
Selection Process:
- Two stage bidding consisting of EOI for short-listing qualified bidder
- Eight bidders were shortlisted in October 2011
- Comprehensive consultation process before and after release of RFP was followed to create a level playing field.
- Selection Committee comprised of experts from various organizations having vast experience on IT projects. Technical Committee was chaired by Prof. DeepakPhatak IIT, Mumbai, and Commercial Committee was chairted by Sh. Faud Mohammed Advisor & FA North Eastern Railways
- M/s Infosys declared as best value bidder. Infosys ranked first in both technical and commercial evaluation.
- Infosys has proposed to implement MCA21 – v2 with Web 2.0 to Enhance User experience (on MCA Portal Front end) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) to improve data structuring and reporting & end-to-end database management.
Dr. Moily also informed that the project will be continued as Public Private Partnership, with Service Level based Equated Quarterly payments to M/s Infosys.
The Minister also detailed about the various initiatives of the M/o Corporate Affairs. Some of the initiatives are as under:
· The Companies Bill, 2011 final draft after consideration of the Standing Committee recommendations and comments from the Ministry of Finance, Law and the Planning Commission is now before the Cabinet for consideration and it is expected to be taken up for consideration in the ensuring session of Parliament.
· The Committee constituted under the chairmanship of Shri Adi Godrej to draft policy document on Corporate Governance has submitted its report, which is being examined and the Ministry will finalise National Policy on Corporate Governance soon.
· Cabinet Note for approval of the draft National Competition Policy has already been circulated.
· After consideration of the GOM headed by the Finance Minister, Cabinet Note for approval of the draft Competition Amendment Bill has also been circulated.
· A committee has been formed under the Chairmanship of Mr. M.Damodaran, former Chairman, to suggest a road map for improvement in ease of doing business in India. The aim is to have a measurable target in terms of improvement in the rankings within a period of next 3 to 5 years and place India at one of the top five positions with zero hassles. The Committte completed the exercise of collecting background materials. The Committee will hold its first meeting on 10th October, 2012 and is likely to submit its report by end of March, 2013.
· The Ministry is working towards developing a business confidence index for the corporate sector in India based on robust economic parameters which would reflect true strengths and quicker analysis of the corporate sector in India. It is expected that such index for the corporate sector in India based on robust economic parameters which would reflect true strengths and quicker analysis of the corporate sector in India. It is expected that such index will be in place in the near future.
· With the enactment of the Companie Bill, CSR will get a statutory framework, wherein 2% of the average profit will have to be spent toward CSR activities. The MCA is already working on formulation of rules, procedures, etc. for implementation of this historical provision in the new Companies Bill.
· The Ministry is also working on providing a sustainability report framework which will have to be mandatorily followed by the companies. A Committee constituted for this purpose has suggested a sustainable reporting framework, which has been adopted by the SEBI for listed companies.